Friday 11 December 2015

Pre Production Planning: Permission Letter

This is my permission letter to the owners of Church Lane in Middleton Cheney, where we will be filming. I have emailed them to get permission for filming down their road.


This is the lane where we will be filming at night. I attached this with the email which you were unable to see in the email. This is so they understand which lane we mean to film, and this is so we can get 100% valid consent from this.

Pre Production Planning: Props

Prop 1 - A rope thats bloody

This would be the rope that our main character Jack will be hanged with at the end of the film. This fact that it is bloody brings a sense of terror and horror as it is associated with previous murders. Using the rope will bring surprise and terror when the character sees the children at the end and gets captured by them. This is in the codes and conventions within a normal thriller and horror. Normally associated with the rope means that death is upon him, and this shot will be around his neck at the end of the film.                                                                                                        

Prop 2 - a gravestone

This will be the gravestone within our film. This gravestone is where the main character Jack would see his name on the gravestone and the date of when the film is set and filmed and the date in which the film is set. This gravestone will be made by us making a plaque to be written in Jack's name with it. This will increase the tension within our film and fulfil the codes and conventions within a thriller and will create horror to the audience. 

Pre Production Planning: Costumes

The main character - Jack

The costume that we would like the main character to wear is going to be normal casual clothes that he would normally wear himself. This is because it all started from him walking out the door, which is why he would be dressed in casual clothes because otherwise, questions would be asked about why we is dressed in a t-shirt that is bloody. We would like him to wear a Superdry hoodie,  t-shirt, jeans and trainers, as this is casual and also trendy.

The children - younger brothers and sisters

The costumes that we would like the children to wear are going to be old ripped bloody clothes, as this would give a scarier portrayal and add more effect. They would be wearing white clothes that are ripped, so it adds an effect that they are creepy and scary and adds to the mise en scene of the dark street next to a graveyard. As well as this, they can wear different coloured eye contact lenses, preferable red so that it brings a scarier effect to it.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Our Own Preliminary Film

This is my preliminary film that I shot with my iPhone 6 and we edited.

Group Preliminary

This is a preliminary task that I edited which we filmed as a group in the different scenes.