Sunday 8 November 2015

Initial Planning: Genre Research

Genre Research

Using his love Genre is French for type or kind. Every film that has been made is in a particular genre. When a film is created it is then categorised into a genre depending on storyline and content in the film. For example a film with comedic and romantic pleasures would be classed as a Romantic Comedy film.

Sub genres help to categorise films better as each sub genre has a set element. Some genres of films have sub genres like Horror and Action and Adventure. These particular genre of film have set types which therefore sort them into sub genres. In Horror films the fixed element is usually a threat towards the protagonist.

Film genres have to be recognisable so when a viewer goes to watch a film and knows they do not like horror if they see the genre of the film then it will stop them from going to see a film that they will not enjoy. Film genres can also help the writers know what kind of script and film appears to types of audiences. For example writers of Romantic Comedy films are written in a certain way and f the film is enjoyed by the audience they know that the next rom-com film should be written in the same style. If the audience has enjoyed a film like Love Actually then the writers and director know that if they create another romantic comedy film they know they would be expecting the same audience to watch the new film.

Genres are important to audiences because in film genres there are usually pleasures which the audience would expect from a film. A pleasure is something that the audience expects from a film that they are going to see. For example if a viewer was to go and see a horror film they would expect tense, scary and jumpy pleasures.

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