Sunday 21 February 2016

Feedback Of Film - 5

From this feedback from Lucina and Katie, saying that at the minute, our film is at a reasonable standard, and that the aspects of the film are P and Es, however will we still need to improve the aspects to the film that are Ps, as they aren't at the top band, and so will need to improve those, such as the genre relating to target audience.

Feedback For Film - 4

From this feedback, i can see that the lighting for our film was good despite it being hard to film in the dark, and the camera quality was good considering the dark and also the sound was scary and rose tension however at the start we came across a solution to the grave saying fred, and changing the film to Fred, however since we filmed it, the movie title changed, and as the sister said 'bye jack' it defeats the object of Fred as she was calling him Jack, so we will have to change that.

Feedback Of Film - 3

From this feedback, i can see that we got P and E in all subjects surrounding our film aspects so that suggests that our film is at a good standard at the minute, however we will still improve the bits we have got Ps in as they aren't at the top marks yet, such as producing appropriate genre for target audience.

Feedback Of Film - 2

From this feedback i can see that the dark lighting that we have used in our film is scary and was effective, however the B we got in our titles suggests we need to improve on a titles, which we will do to make it scarier.

Feedback Of Film - 1

This is feedback about a film from James, as from his comments we have good editing however we need to improve sound quality, I've asked him further, and he says the baby sound needs to be a bit more creepier and realistic, however the E and Ps from him suggests that our movie is at a goos standard at the minute.

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Pre Production: Music In Our Film

We have got out music for our film from this website, this is because it is royalty free music so therefore this can be used in my film. The music i have chosen is music which can be used is a thriller and horror type of music, which adds a lot of tension in the film.

Post Production: Call Sheet - 2

Pre Production: Call Sheet - 1

Filming: Day 1 - Rough Scenes

After our first day filming some of the scenes within our film, we edited together a rough cut of what the part would look like. The order of the shots may change when we do our final edit due to the dual narrative of the opening. 

When we put together the edit it allowed us to see what shots we would need to re-film. For example, due to the lighting being hard to use within the time of day we are shooting,  Another reason for re-filming this shot is due to the shakiness of the camera, when we film this next time we will use a gorilla pod to ensure that the filming will be steady. 

Another suggestion we were given by a few of our target audience who we showed this clip was to add a filter to the shots as they were filmed in the night and we wanted a more dark and sinister atmosphere to the opening as it would reflect the thriller genre. 

Monday 1 February 2016

Pre Production Planning: Making The Opening Title

For making the opening of our movie intro, i looked at a couple of tutorials to really make an understanding of how to make a professional opening to our movie. We used the software of Adobe After Affects. Despite it being a complicated program to use, it still gave great quality for an opening title.

With this software, we first created text which would appeal to the title and the genre, despite the genre being thriller we used the colour of the text to be white as it went with the title and made sure it also fitted with the genre.

We used the item in the software called stop watch, to create a fade in the flame and really show the professional effect of the flame.mp4 and made sure it fitted well. Once we created all of this, we then exported it to the Adobe Media Encoder and made it into an .mp4 file to put into the start of our film for opening titles.