Wednesday 3 February 2016

Filming: Day 1 - Rough Scenes

After our first day filming some of the scenes within our film, we edited together a rough cut of what the part would look like. The order of the shots may change when we do our final edit due to the dual narrative of the opening. 

When we put together the edit it allowed us to see what shots we would need to re-film. For example, due to the lighting being hard to use within the time of day we are shooting,  Another reason for re-filming this shot is due to the shakiness of the camera, when we film this next time we will use a gorilla pod to ensure that the filming will be steady. 

Another suggestion we were given by a few of our target audience who we showed this clip was to add a filter to the shots as they were filmed in the night and we wanted a more dark and sinister atmosphere to the opening as it would reflect the thriller genre. 

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