Wednesday 23 September 2015

Research Opening: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2

A clash between good and evil awaits as young Harry, Ron and Hermione prepare for a final battle against Lord Voldemort. Harry has grown into a steely lad on a mission to rid the world of evil. The friends must search for the horcruxes that keep the dastardly wizard immortal. Harry and Voldemort meet at a Hogwarts Castle for an epic showdown where the forces of darkness may finally meet their match.

Target Audience (Who It Appeals To)

After watching the opening of the film of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2, it connotes that this film was targeted at teenagers and adults. From this I will narrow it down to being 13-50. This is because many of the people who have watched the film have also read the books that JK Rowling has released before the movie. As well as this, it appeals to teenagers as it has a really good storyline and also is easy watching, being not too graphic for anyone below the age of 18. In addition to this, many people over 60 wouldn't want to watch it because they may have missed the book reading, and wouldn't enjoy the film as it is very action packed and there are a lot of films. Moreover, this applies to people under the age of 13 as well because they wouldn't have been old enough to read the books, as well as not knowing about the storyline hence perhaps being confused by it.


In this film opening, the music in the background has a very synth style feel to it, this really brings tension to the start of the film and fits really well with how the opening sequence is perceived to the audience. This type of music is quite eerie and quiet - making it very tense for the audience to watch, therefore making them want to watch it more to see what happens next.

Representation of the characters and mise en scene

The opening to this film holds the re-introduced characters of Snape, Voldemort, Ron, Harry and Hermione. The scene of the opening is very dark and morbid, it holds a incredibly scary feel to it, this causes a lot of tension to build up to the audience already, in the opening, which is a good idea, as it could set up a big deal of tension through out the opening of the scene and the part beginning to the film, which will keep the audience interested and included into the film and make it more enjoyable to watch and keep the audience on the edge of there seats, which i will include in my final trailer piece. Each shot of the opening scene of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 is that each scene has very low lighting and creates a very dark atmosphere with in the scene, which reminds them of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1, and creates a very sad tone to the start, as it has a shot of Dobbys grave stone to signal that he died in the last film, and reminds the audience how they felt in the film before.

Atmosphere Created

After the opening to this movie, the atmosphere that was created while i was watching this was a very eerie feeling to it, it created a dark and dismal atmosphere as all the lighting was dimmed within each shot and everything was dark. The shot of the ghost watching over Hogwarts makes the atmosphere also very scary and makes you wonder what will happen later on. In the shot with Snape also creates a worrying atmosphere because he is looking out from the window which makes him look like he is pondering and thinking about revenge which creates that within your mind too.

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