Tuesday 22 September 2015

Research Opening: I Am Legend (2007)

I Am Legend

I Am Legend is a 2007 American post - apocalyptic science fiction film directed by Francis Lawrence and starring Will Smith. It is the third feature-film adaptation of Richard Matherson's 1954 novel of the same name, following 1964's The Last Man On Earth and 1971's The Omega Man. Smith plays virologist Robert Neville, who is immune to a man-made virus originally created to cure cancer. He works to create a remedy while defending himself against the virus' victims, who turn into hostile mutants.

Target Audience (Who It Appeals To)

After watching the opening of the film, i can connote that this film was targeted at teenage and adults that range from 16-40. I think this as it has appealed to many audiences around the world for being an amazing film. However it is aimed for audiences of 13, as its a PG-13, however despite this, i feel that 16+ audiences will get the most out of this film and understand it the best. Teenagers will especially enjoy this film as it holds many funny moments within it, which may be shared by friends for future generations from this great film. 


In the beginning of the opening scene, the sound is all very quiet, and you can only here the sound of the car that WIll Smith (main character) is driving. The sense of quietness in the town, brings an idea of danger, because of the fact of a busy city, with no other cars of humans making noises or anything, just complete silence, this brings a sense of danger to the audience, because how silent the area is. The eeriness of the whole opening scene makes the tension of the scene build because of how Will Smith is looking around everywhere trying to find any sort of life.

Representation of the characters and mise en scene

In the opening of the film holds the introduction to the main character Will Smith. I can see by the opening scene of the film that Will Smith is very smart and can drive well, this is shown within the film because of how well he drives within small areas and how he can drift within his car he is driving. As well as this, it shows that he is very attached to his dog because how he is taking the dog with him in the passenger seat. From this, i can tell that there is danger ahead to one of the characters because of how the usually busy city is now very scarce and eerie, this springs to mind the idea of the whole population becoming zombies, or there was a big apocalypse on the city. The sense of day seems to be morning, which means that maybe over night, something happened to the whole town, and resulted in a abandoned, eerie city. The shot of POV while Will Smith is driving, shows a sense of realism into the movie and adds more effect onto the audience because they are viewing it. As well as bringing a sense of realism, also brings tension because you are seeing the point of view from the main characters eyes, which show how scary the perspective was from his eyes. The opening scene also makes you intrigued to watch the rest of the film because you want to wonder how and why the whole city has been wiped out.

Atmosphere Created

The atmosphere created within the opening scene brings a very eerie feel to the audience, this is because the city that used to be busy and loud, is now abandoned and and scary. The atmosphere of the car driving adds adventure and a sense of mysteriousness because he wants to find out what has happened to the city, and why it is suddenly abandoned overnight, which makes you want to carry on watching the rest of the movie.

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